LED Lighting
One of the many growing capabilities that TG3 has to offer is specialized LED lighting. TG3 uses millions of LEDs throughout the year. From oven lights to medical lighting, TG3 has the capacity to create and develop LED lighting that is needed for any project… no matter how big or small.
TG3 has the capability to produce a product with full or partial deadfronting abilities. Black and white are the most common deadfront options.
About 95% of the custom projects that TG3 takes on have custom backlighting needs. TG3 strives to provide the best design and operational use of backlighting for all its projects. TG3 works with many different options of backlighting but most importantly, TG3’s roots are with backlighting keyboards. Therefore, TG3 has the aptitude to provide any key type with a backlight. TG3 prides itself on outperforming its customers on backlighting requirements.

TG3 indicator solutions can be as simple or complex. Single pinpoint LED indicators are commonly required on custom products and can be easily created on any project.

Direct/Area Lighting
TG3 recently started getting into the medical device industry. The demand for medical devices has been exponentially growing by TG3’s customers to the point where TG3 has added more engineers and equipment in the company. Along with medical devices, medical lighting has become a strong custom project requirement for TG3. Most of the custom projects that TG3 works on are for the medical industry. With that being said, the latest and greatest of medical products usually includes a touchscreen display and custom lighting. TG3 has honed in the tactical uses of medical lighting in custom projects.
Ambient Lighting
It is common that TG3’s customers will ask for ambient lighting on specific medical products. TG3 has the capability to construct glow lighting technology that is needed on certain products, such as the bottom of medical beds.